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Our Story


ko kurahaupo te waka

ko ma te ra te maunga

ko whangawehi te awa

ko horokaka te moana

ko tuahuru te marae

ko hine te rongo te whare tupna

ko rongomaiwahine te iwi

Hailing from a long line of powerful, devoted mothers, we are two sisters/ mamas guided by the wisdoms and ancestral teachings of the ancient sacred trails of our ancestors.

Honouring and embodying the divine feminine to gently nurture and raise our five wildly tender daughters through a natural nurturing style of motherhood in reverence for Papatūānuku.

Sustained gratefully by her life force and flowing in harmony with her sacred rhythms.

We love fiercely, live peacefully, walk truthfully, through our humble connection creating deep rooted foundations that uphold our tikanga and core values.

Providing a nourishing nest woven in aroha for our babies, our tāne, our whānau, and our communities.




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“Your beautiful taonga have created space in my busy life for vital daily self - love ritual and healing. And my mirimiri from Jasmine was the best I've ever experienced! Thank you!”


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